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Do You Dream of Making a Big-Ass Uplevel in Your Business or Life?

(but the "what-ifs" keep you stuck....)



Hi, I'm Francine! I'm a Spiritual Mindset Coach helping midlife women overcome fear to make a Big-Ass Uplevel in business and life.

I guide you from just wanting a bigger life to actually having one, even if right now you're lost in the how and what-ifs?!

It's safe to dream big - I'll show you how. 

You know how to do all the things and solve all the problems for everyone else.

You’re the person who gets shit done! 


But, when it comes to upleveling and making your big goals happen, it’s not so simple. 


🌪️ You’re spinning your wheels in all of the what-ifs. 

🤯 You’re paralyzed from trying to control every outcome. 

🙇🏼‍♀️ You're burnt out from putting everyone else's wants and needs before your own.

🧠 Your logical brain obsesses over the "how" instead of trusting what's possible.

😔 You’re doubting that you can actually pull it off…

Maybe it’s safer to just stay put and be satisfied with what you already have. 

Nope! You’re made for more than



Your soul didn’t come to Earth to stay stuck in fear and play small. You know there’s so. much. more.


If you truly want to live a purposeful, joyful life, you know you can’t keep telling yourself…

“I can’t do it.”

“This isn’t the right time”.

“That’s not for me.”


🏋🏼‍♀️ Are you done making excuses? Ready to get out of your own way and turn your big dreams into a big life?


I’m here to help you make that Big-Ass Uplevel, even if right now you haven't figured out the “how,” and it’s scaring the hell out of you. 


I’m going to show you how to stop living in fear and start living the life you desire, all while staying safe and sane. I’ll support you, cheer you on, and help you get back up if you stumble along the way.

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 

                                                                                               ― Anaïs Nin

I know you can take the leap, because I’ve been exactly where you are now.


It took seven years for me to make my Big-Ass Uplevel. 


In 2013, I desperately wanted to leave my corporate role and take my coaching business full-time. But, my fears and stories kept me stuck and scared to make the change.


So, I stayed unfulfilled and unhappy in my career and life. 


The fear was greater than the desire.

Until it wasn’t…


As a “control freak in recovery,” the thought of letting go of control scared the shit out of me. But, the thought of continuing to feel sad, stuck, and alone because I put everyone’s needs before my own was no longer an option. 


I knew I had to make the change.


I faced my fears, stopped the stories I had been telling myself and learned to Trust and Surrender.


Today, I’m living out my calling as a Spiritual Mindset Coach, helping women just like you overcome your fears and doubts, so you can finally bring your dream life into real life. 


You already have what it takes! I’ll show you how to believe in yourself and trust the Universe to unlock the possibilities. 


Trust me, you don’t want to wait seven years like I did! You can start today. 

With me as your guide, here’s what you can experience as you conquer your biggest, boldest goals…

Your Big-Ass Uplevel doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable and scary. 


💙 Escape your tough inner critic’s bullshit stories and open up a world of undiscovered possibilities and solutions.


💛 Release chronic worrying and need for control and finally feel calm and confident in unpredictable situations.


🩷 Trust it's actually possible to have the dream business, new career, or any big-ass beautiful life you want, even if you don't know exactly how to get it yet.


💙 Escape the overthinking, obsessing, and anxiety about all the what-ifs, and experience a quiet, peaceful mind instead. 


💛 Learn to surrender and trust that the Universe has your back — you're fully supported no matter what. You’re not alone in this!

🩷 Learn to stop listening to the stories your brain tells you and  trust your intuition (yes, you are intuitive).

I’ll be your coach, guide, and teacher

(and biggest cheerleader).

In our Private Coaching sessions, I’ll help you overcome your fears and embrace the possibilities. 


I bring the wisdom and insight that comes with over a decade of coaching experience. My toolbox includes Mindset Coaching, Energy Healing (specializing in EFT Tapping), and Spiritual Guidance and Teaching. 


Click below to learn more about my private coaching services.


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